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January 15, 2025
This is such an interesting conversation. Just goes to show you how much this world is going to hell in a handbasket. Just like the people who commented on MY OPINION which I am entitled to. No one can take that right away from me. None of you *******s can even compare to my level of intelligence, so if I say something isn't funny and is just plain sick, then that is what it is. Take that and smoke it in your bongs!
Posted 12:15 AM P on February 21, 2005Out of curiosity, why are you submitting 'Mozilla' as your website URL?
Is that just some of your superior intellect at work?
if you dont like this website, then why do you come here? That was my point. why waist the energy to say something negative? you say there is a lot of that in the world, so then, WHY ADD TO IT????
Posted 8:38 AM PS on February 21, 2005You must be logged in to comment.
Kevin: Boy, a lot has changed in twenty years.Ray: Yeah.
Kevin: Is Naughton still around?
Ray: Frankie?
Kevin: No, Jimmy.
Ray: Jimmy's dead. And Frankie died at the funeral. They're both dead.
Kevin: What about Bobby? How's he?
Ray: He's dead, too. A lot of 'em are dead.
Kevin: What was the other Naughton kid's name? Tommy? Is he dead?
Ray: No, Tommy's not dead.
Kevin: Thank God for that.
Ray: He's dying.
Kevin: Jeez! The mother must be heartbroken.
Ray: The mother was killed in a boiler explosion. Blown to pieces.
Kevin: Jeez. I'll never forget that house the Naughtons lived in. Kind of a cute little place with green shutters.
Ray: Hit by lightning fifteen years agon. Burned to the ground. All the pets were killed.
Kevin: Jeez. That's too bad. I remember the Naughtons always liked that house because it was so close to the church.
Ray: Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering?
Kevin: Yeah.
Ray: The church is gone. Condemned by the city last year and demolished on Good Friday.
Kevin: So where do the neighborhood kids go to school?
Ray: Most of the neighborhood kids were killed a few years ago by a rapist who worked at the grocery store.
Kevin: Dorian's?
Ray: No, Babington's.
Kevin: I like Dorian's. They always had good produce.
Ray: Dorian's collapsed ten years ago and killed nineteen customers. The entire Halloran family was decaiptated at the butcher counter while they were pickin' out meat.
Kevin: Jeez. Times really change.
Ray: Well, life goes on.
George Carlin
Submitted by ZackDaddy, Aired on 02/20/2005