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February 04, 2025
Thank you for wasting your valuable time here. I serve fresh jokes and sites daily and great new pics and clips weekly for you to enjoy. I am constantly searching the web for the funniest & most worthless crap out there, so you don't have to. Please feel free to use the links below to submit your own stuff to me. Thanks for droppin by!
oke of the dayA company had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Management said, "Someone might steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job. Submitted by ZackDaddy |
ite of the daySend text messages to cell phones at no cost to anyone! Much easier than trying to type one via cell phone. Note: Don't use dashes or the 1 prefix (e.g. 15555555555 = bad, 5555555555 = good) Submitted by ZackDaddy |
ic of the weekSubmitted by ZackDaddy |
lip of the weekJeff Foxworthy - Stupid People Submitted by ZackDaddy |